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Avocado and Edamame salad

Do you ever make a dish, question whether or not it will be tasty and then find yourself non-stop yumming over it? 

Earlier this week, I found myself doing just that. 
Yumming with every single bite.

I love it when that happens.

This avocado edamame creation started before a bike-trainer workout on Tues evening.
I often find myself preparing meals in the 30 minutes that I have to spare before an evening workout because prepping a meal and then waiting for it to cook after a workout isn't the most fun when you are hungry, tired and ready to eat.
(plus, many times, a hungry and tired body isn't very good at making "healthy" post-workout food decisions).

Because I had a very, very, very soft avocado, I wanted to do something with it besides smashing it up or chopping it on a salad.
I decided to get creative in my kitchen with a big bowl and a few simple ingredients in my refrigerator and here is what I came up with....

I think you will yum over it too!

Avocado and Edamame salad
1-2 cup shelled edamame
1 small red bell pepper (chopped)
1-2 cup corn
~1/2 cup chives (chopped)
1 avocado (chopped)
Salt to taste

1. Cook edamame and corn until soft (steam or microwave)
2. When corn/edamame mix is room temp (not hot), add edamame.
3. Add pepper and chives and mix together. It's ok if the avocado gets smashed during mixing.
4. Add salt to taste.
5. Refrigerate for an hour and then yum!
(feel free to adjust the ingredient amounts to your liking)


The great thing about this recipe is that it is a multi-purpose recipe. Oh and it is super duper yummy.

Here are a few ways that you can incorporate this satisfyingly nutritious and delicious recipe into your diet.

-Combine with your favorite grain (ex. Quinoa, Jasmine rice, couscous etc.)
-Pile on top a bed of shredded or topped greens
-Serve with cold noodles
-Use as a topping on scrambled eggs (or an omelet)
-Spoon on toasted bread
-Spoon inside a pita or tortilla
-Serve with chips as a dip at your next party/event
-Enjoy as a snack, in between meals
-Have it as a side dish to a meal